Monday, September 6, 2010

Stop and smell the roses

Last weekend we went to one of my favorite parks--Bush Park. I love going on a picnic and enjoying the rows and rows of rose beds. There is nothing more beautiful than a rose--you can win someone's heart with a simple rose and say a lot without speaking a word. 

The scent of the Roses
 Let fate do her worst; there are relics of joy, bright dreams of the past, which she cannot destroy; Which come in the night-time of sorrow and care, and bring back the features that joy used to wear. Long, long be my heart with such memories filled, like the vase in which roses have once been distilled ~ You may break, you may shatter the vase if you will, but the scent of the roses will hang round it still.
Another beauty.

Inspite having roses in my own garden, I can't pass up the opportunity to take pictures of this beautiful rose garden. 

 One of my passions is to paint roses on canvas, and when I'm here my mind is flooded with ideas that I wish to express through my paintings. Today was an excellent day; thank you for taking a walk with me through this garden. Here we say goodbye and I hope you have a wonderful day.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful Rose garden! Just lovely and a gorgeous gazebo!
    Thanks for visiting my blog. Nice to meet you!

